Behold the captivating Victorian Maid ensemble! This striking outfit is composed of four exquisite pieces, including a striped dress with dazzling jewel detailing and an integrated petticoat. The ensemble is further adorned with a lace-trimmed apron, collar, and headpiece, adding an extra touch of charm and grace. Wear spooky bodyjewels with this costume and it is the perfect Halloween outfit. It is also an exciting outfit for doing roleplay at midnight.
- Package includes: dress, apron, collar, head piece
- Complete your look with lace gloves and socks
- Wear spooky bodyjewels with this costume and it is the perfect Halloween outfit. It is also an exciting outfit for doing roleplay with your partner
- Wash max. 30 degrees, drip dry, do not bleach, do not iron
- 100% Polyester